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All About The Latest Trends In Website Design

Since the advent of the internet, website design has changed. The very first webpage uploaded to a web server was a plain document with only black text. Tim Burners Lee was the creator of the internet. 

Web design has become more complex in design and code over the years. Websites were first designed with colors and text effects in the late 1990s. Websites looked more like brochures than they were.

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The internet boom and the possibility to do business online completely changed the appeal of websites. People began to flock to the internet to get an advantage and tap into the market. To attract more visitors to their sites and increase sales, they created visually appealing ones.

Websites were full of information and featured many colors. Although they worked well, those websites were often a hassle, and people used to avoid them. These websites featured a lot of overlapping colors and large text. They also had some eye-popping text effects that distracted from the main product/service.

Designers are now more inclined to create beautiful layouts and keep their backgrounds simple. To avoid distraction, the website is deliberately left empty outside of the layouts. Images and icons are used for highlighting certain points. Videos are embedded on the websites to provide dynamic content that will instantly engage visitors.

Website designs are improving day by day. It is important to have a professional appearance, rather than stuffing images and icons with unnecessary design elements.