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Construction management involves various phases that makes the work easy. There are various strategies involved in the construction process and everything is linked with one another. It becomes very much important to follow each step at the right time or else the entire construction process can be halted. To ensure this thing doesn’t happen you must hire a construction project management consultant at

Here are the major construction management phases in detail that can help you understand the process better.

– Initiative: Being the first step it involves the generation of ideas, goals and achievement rate. This phase you need to ask people to invest in your idea and tell them the success rate to get approval and fundings.

– Planning: The next step after initiation is planning. This involves getting your project development plan ready, scope development, risk management plan, and designing of structure.

– Implementation and Execution: This phase includes implementation of plan and starts with the actual construction and building. This involves most of the time and attention.

– Monitoring/ Performance: Construction requires a continuous track of success achieved. The work is regularly monitored and the performance is checked with certain parameters.

– Closing: Finally the project comes to closure. At this phase the entire construction is tested and checked before opening it for people’s use.