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When it comes to sales, marketing is a crucial aspect. Everybody knows that without proper advertising, no company can gain customers or be found on the market. There are still many ways to advertise. Explainer videos are a new method of popularizing products.

A photo or image ad is more visually appealing but doesn't make viewers think about what they are seeing. An animated image is more appealing to the human brain than one that remains static. The explainer video is so appealing that we can keep watching it. You can check out some great examples of animated explainer videos on MyeVideo Inc.

As we continue to look at it, we become more interested in its story. First and foremost, the content of the video must be thought-provoking. People will be more likely to buy a product or service if they are prompted to think about the content. If explanatory web videos are supposed to gain popularity, they should be laughable.


Funny becomes popular

There are many animated short films available online. Although they aren't the best quality, they have such funny scenes that people send them to friends. These videos can be used to promote your brand on the Internet. People will share funny clips on many social media sites if they find them humorous.

A person will be more likely to watch it again and become interested in learning more about your company. In turn, they may also gain new customers. People will associate your brand with a funny, clever video. Even if they don't buy your products right away, or use your services in the near future, they will remember the funny animated video you showed them. As you can see, viral videos are great for building a company's reputation.