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Microsoft Azure, one of Microsoft's most confusing products, offers users some incredible cloud capabilities that help customers do everything for their business faster and save money. You can now hire professionals to know about new Azure and Microsoft 365 certification paths.

7 Best Microsoft Azure Certifications: Which is Right for You?

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From data to analysis, it's all in this impressive program. This program is also one of the most misunderstood programs of this well-known company, so consultants answer some of the most frequently asked questions by consumers to help beginners.

What can you do with it?

Many users are aware that when they buy this expensive program they can compute data and other things, but there are some other great things users can do with it such as: B. Build free websites and apps. There are also methods for data analysis, storage and communication.

What is a virtual machine?

Beginners will often see the term virtual machine when they first encounter Azure. Experienced consultants can explain this in a fairly simple way. A virtual machine is a separate operating system on a computer.

For example, it is the same as any other small computer that can run in a computer window. Just imagine two computers sitting next to each other. One of them is sitting there and the other is playing a video. Then take all the information about one of them and put it on top of each other. Give its own window on the computer screen and it's a virtual machine.