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PFAS Water Contamination: What You Need To Know

PFAS are a group of man-made compounds that are used in a variety of products such as firefighting foams, stain repellents, carpet treatments, and water treatment agents. A debate has been brewing on whether PFAS exposure causes cancer and other health issues. 

PFASs are also found in air and water. PFASs have been linked to health problems, including cancer, thyroid problems, and reproductive issues. You may go through this site to learn more about PFAS contamination.

PFAS pollution is widespread in Europe but risks are still poorly understood European Environment Agency

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What you need to know about PFASs

If you live in a place where PFASs are present in water or air, there is a chance you’re exposed to them. Here are some things you need to know about these chemicals:

PFASs can be found in many products, including firefighting foam and food packaging. They are also found in air and water.

PFASs have been linked to health problems, including cancer, thyroid problems, and reproductive issues. These chemicals have also been found to accumulate in the body over time.

What are the problems with PFAS?

PFAS is a type of chemical that is used in many products and has been linked to health problems. PFAS contamination can occur from many sources, including manufacturing, water pollution, and landfills. 

There is no safe level of PFAS exposure, which means that even low levels of exposure can cause health problems. If you are concerned about your PFA levels, speak with your doctor or contact an environmental organization like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for more information on how to reduce your exposure.