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Tag: autologous fat transfer

Breast Reconstruction With Fat Transfer

Breast reconstruction using autologous fat transfer (from one individual) can be used for breast restoration following lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, and/or mastectomy to treat breast cancer.

To improve the contour and shape of a breast that has been previously reconstructed, fat transfer to the breast can be used with flap-based or implant-based techniques. For women who don't want implants or invasive flap procedures, total breast reconstruction using autologous fat transfer is an exciting option.

Minimal downtime

The fat transfer procedure for breast reconstruction is outpatient. This means that you won't need to stay in the hospital the night after the surgery.

These procedures are less painful than other breast reconstruction techniques (implants and flaps). Many women also report that Extra Strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen), is sufficient to ease their discomfort.

After a few days, most women return to work. After surgery, you can resume your daily activities within two to three days.

It is versatile

Fat grafts can be customized to your body's needs. To give breast reconstructions a more natural look, plastic surgeons often use fat grafts.

They fill in the areas around implants and flaps. With newer tools and techniques, your entire breast can be reconstructed using fat.

Fat transfer may improve the quality of skin that has been previously radiated and, in certain cases, it may restore sensation to breasts after a mastectomy.