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Tag: Best wine course

Attend Wine Course Online

Red Wine is very beneficial for your heart health. Research at Harvard University has proven its documentation. Simply drinking up to 8 ounces of red wine a day helps reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Red wine has a good reputation for heart health. 

As a big added bonus, the antioxidants derived from red wine reduce the chances of blood clots. Lowering LDL or bad cholesterol is one of the benefits of drinking red wine. This grape also increases levels of HDL or good cholesterol. Take the time to visit a well known website such as  to know more about wine courses.

A doctor from the south of France submitted an article to the UK Medical Journal stating that Cabernet Sauvignon contains fairly high levels of a chemical called resveratrol, which is known to increase your HDL, or good cholesterol, and indeed lowers LDL or cholesterol. your bad cholesterol.

Another wine that contains high amounts of resveratrol and is known to lower LDL cholesterol levels is Pinot Noir grapes. According to Cornell University researcher Leory Creasy, Pinot Noir grapes grow in cool, rainy climates.

This grape is also rich in resveratrol. In addition to resveratrol, they also contain flavonoids and catechins. Flavonoids and catechins provide antioxidant benefits that destroy free radicals that destroy or damage valuable cells in the body.

Another red wine that contains resveratrol (not as much as other red wines) is Merlot. Merlot also has antioxidant properties that help remove plaque buildup in the arteries.

After studying the above, I realized how right my grandmother was. Another reason was that he was alive and well today! He's 101 years old! We recently had a big party. Yes, you guessed it – wine served!

Maybe you care about your health or you just love the taste of wine. Some are so passionate about wine that they make it their life's work. Which category do you fall into? If later, google sommelier training in new york, sommelier courses in new york or wine courses in italy to find more information online on this interesting subject.

You'd be surprised how much a glass every night can help your cardiovascular system.