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Tag: Beware

Beware The Long-Term Effects Of Taking Antacids

Taking one or two antacids to relieve accidental stomach pain usually doesn't cause a problem. However, as with almost any type of medication, you do not want to take it for a long time. The label says it's only for short term use.

There are generally three types of antacids. These include aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate.

Each type of antacids responsible for slightly different outcomes when used to control chronic stomach pain. That is why it is suggested to follow a proper heartburn medicine lawsuit to prevent yourself from such severe side effects.

Beware! Frequent antacid use may double stomach cancer risk NewsroomPost

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You don't want too small stomach acid. If so, your body may not be able to absorb calcium from your diet. Since bones need calcium to maintain density, it is possible to soften your bones if you are not getting enough calcium.

Antacids, which contain calcium as the main ingredient, prevent this from happening, but they also cause some long term effects. If you start consuming too much calcium it will harm your body in various ways. Hypercalcemia will be a major concern, and possibly kidney failure as well. The reason behind this is that kidneys process more calcium, stones can develop.

On the other hand side, there are also some minor effects that include constipation, increased urination, and occasional nausea. You may also feel a bad taste in your mouth.

The other two types of antacids can also cause some of the side effects after long-term use. They offer a variety of other options such as weight loss and loss of appetite. Frequent headaches and stomach cramps may also occur if you take these medicines for too long.