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Tag: casting metal

Basics of Metal Casting

Casting is a manufacturing process that involves pouring a liquid material into a mold containing a hollow cavity with a desired shape and making it fixed. To complete the process, the casting must be ejected or broken out. Casting is the process of forming hot liquid metals or many metals after they are mixed with clay, plaster, concrete, or epoxies.

Casting is the most common method for creating complex shapes. Casting was invented around 6000 years ago. The oldest casting is known as Copper Frog, which dates back to 3200 BC. Casting can be divided into two types: expendable mold casting and non-expendable mold casting. You can also know about custom metal casting through 

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Non-expendable" mold casting:

This technique includes at least four distinct methods: continuous casting, centrifugal casting, permanent casting, and die casting.

Continuous casting

This is a refined method of casting metal sections in high volumes with constant cross-section. It involves pouring molten metal into an open-ended, water-cooled copper mold. This allows for a layer of solid metal to be formed above the "still-liquid" center.

Centifugal casting

Centrifugal casting is independent of gravity and pressure. It is possible to create its own 'force-feed by using a temporary sand mold in a 900 N' spinning room'. The lead time varies depending on the application. 


Die casting is the process of forcing molten metal into mold cavities under high pressure. These castings are made of nonferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, zinc, and other alloys. Even die castings can be made of metal. This method is used when finer parts are required.

Permanent mold casting

This casting is made of non-ferrous metals. After a few weeks of preparation, the casting can be produced at a rate of approximately 5 to 50 pieces per hour. Steel cavities are coated with 'acetylene SOOT'. This makes it easy to remove the workpiece and promotes longer tool life. 

Expendable Mold Casting:

Expendable Mold Casting" can be described as a standard classification that includes the following:

Sand casting

This is one of the most common casting methods used since ancient times. This requires very small operations. Use of clays, such as 'green sand' or 'polymerized oil' or 'chemical binding agents' to bond the sand is how it happens. It is possible to recycle.

Plaster casting (for metallics)

The difference between plaster casting or sand casting is that plaster is used instead of sand. Concrete and plastic castings are also available.