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Tag: commercial kitchen

How To Meal Prep – A Beginners Guide

Meal prep is the thought of making whole dishes or meals ahead of plan. It is very popular among busy people as it can save a lot of time. 

Having pre-prepared meals can also help reduce portion sizes and meet your eating goals. You can also look for the best meal prep kitchen via

This way, you will avoid unhealthy choices like dinner on TV or breakfast, especially if you are overwhelmed or exhausted.

And because you need to determine what you want to eat first, meal prepping can lead to more nutritious food choices in the long run.

Various ways of meal prep

However, since there are several ways to prepare food, you don't have to stay in the kitchen all Sunday afternoon. Everyone can find a proper meal preparation style.

The most popular methods of preparing food are:

Pre-Meals: Complete, pre-prepared meals that can be refrigerated and reheated during mealtimes. This is especially useful for dinner time.

Batch Cooking: Prepare a specific recipe in bulk and divide it into portions to freeze and eat over the next few months. They offer a popular choice for a hearty lunch or dinner.

Individualized meals: preparation of fresh dishes and dividing them into separate portions for consumption and cooking to be refrigerated and consumed over the next some days. This is especially useful for a quick lunch.