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Tag: conference sign language translator

Sign Language With People Who Are Deaf-Blind

Communicating with the deaf is a unique experience. The language, style, pace, and tools and devices used to facilitate communication vary from person to person.

When translating for deaf-blind people, you need to know what adjustments are appropriate and what additional environmental protection measures to observe. You can find information regarding tactile sign language via

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It is assumed that you are familiar with the user's preferred sign language system and the cultural and linguistic differences that may affect your interactions. Due to differences in etiology, forms of communication, and cultural and linguistic differences between individuals in this population, some of these suggestions may apply to one user but not to another.

It's important to ask users about their preferences, how the message should be delivered and which additional auditory and visual information should be described in detail. The distance between you and the user will vary depending on the situation, depending on how the user accepts it.

Users can use visual reception when entering a reduced area that is seated at a certain distance. This situation can occur when a person has peripheral vision loss and is dependent on central vision (also known as "tunnel vision"). 

Strict conformity is necessary for discreet communication. There are different seats. For example, when communicating with a tactile receiver with one hand, you and the user can sit next to each other or at the corner of a table so the user can relax their elbows.