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Tag: dentistry services in Scarborough

What Are The Benefits Of Preventive Dentistry?

With a dental implant, the natural tooth root is replaced with an artificial support that can be firmly anchored in the jawbone. For those who have suffered from tooth loss or damage, a dental implant offers hope for repairing a damaged or missing tooth. Regardless of age, health, or gender, a dental implant can provide people with many benefits and peace of mind.

Dentistry is one of the most popular and highly paid specialties in the country. According to the National Dental Association, preventive dentistry with general family dentistry services is one of the most cost-effective ways to maintain good oral health. Preventive dentistry includes regular checkups and cleanings, as well as the use of appropriate dental care products. 

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The Following Are Some Of The Benefits Of Preventive Dentistry:

Decreased Oral Health Costs: Preventive dentistry can help you avoid costly dental treatments down the road. By detecting and correcting problems early, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing more serious dental problems. This can save you money both now and in the long run.

Improved Oral Health Status: If you have good oral health status, you are less likely to suffer from tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health problems. In fact, some studies indicate that people who have good oral health status are 50% less likely to develop coronary heart disease than those who have poor oral health status.