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Tag: foot

Overpronation of the foot in runners

Overpronation is a expression that causes lots of concern among podiatrists and running footwear stores because it causes a great deal of misunderstandings and debate. Pronation is a motion of the foot in which the ankle rolls inwards and the arch of the foot flattens. This is a normal healthy motion that is needed for normal foot biomechanics and impact moderation. Overpronation is supposed to be the term helpful to identify should there be too much of this normal pronation. The first aspect in the controversy is precisely what is normal and what is abnormal and exactly where may be the threshold of the split between normal pronation and overpronation. There are actually robust opinions on every side of this discussion and there doesn't look like any solution in the controversy coming.

The reason why the topic produces a huge amount of dialogue is that overpronation continues to be considered a major aspect in overuse injuries in athletes. Podiatrists frequently use foot orthoses to manage the problem and running shoe producers make running shoes to help athletes who have the condition. This signifies there is lots of vested interest in this. The problem arises is that the research evidence demonstrates that, yes, overpronation can be a risk factor for a running injury, but it is not much of a significant risk factor. It can be even more complex by a lot of athletes who may have really severe overpronation and don't develop any issues and don't need foot orthoses or running shoes using the motion control design features. That doesn't help resolve the debate nor help clinicians make judgements re foot supports and for running shoe sellers on advice as to what ought to be the right running shoe. It really comes down to clinicians and running shoe retailer’s individual experience and expertise and making choices in the framework of what is suitable for the individual athlete.