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Tag: janitorial services ca

How to Hire a Janitorial Service in CA

So you've decided to hire a janitorial service to clean your small business. You've made a wise decision. As a small business owner, you have enough hats to wear without donning a cleaning apron. Most small start-up companies try to cut costs where they can. This may mean having an owner try to do as much as possible on his or her own. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this can lead to burnout and subpar cleaning. Let's face it, it takes a certain kind of know-how to properly clean your store or office. A tidy place of business is good for employee morale, for customers' first impressions, and for the overall upkeep of your property. When you're ready to hire a team of pros, there are steps to take.

Get Some Names of Prospective Companies

A great way to find the best janitorial services in CA is to ask around. Word-of-mouth referrals are always the best sources of information when it comes to finding top-quality services in your area. Ask other small business owners whom they use to clean their spaces. You can also go online and look for reviews of cleaning crews posted by past customers. When you've gathered a list of potential companies, it's time to make a few phone calls.

Phone Calls

Have a list of questions ready when you call each janitorial service. Ask about their experience, approximately what they charge, and whether they'll come over to your place of business for an interview. It's always a good idea to meet the maids and janitors in person so you can talk to each other face-to-face.

Once you've chosen the best janitorial service for your needs, ask them to clean one or two times on a trial basis.