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Tag: long-term care planning

Tips For Long Term Care Planning

A majority of seniors over 65 require long-term care (LTC) planning. These are medical and non-medical services that are provided to individuals who cannot meet their personal needs.

Care seekers often need assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and toileting. There are two options: you can live in a care home with no nursing care, or you can receive care at your own home.

Surprisingly many seniors are more concerned about buying home insurance against fire when the risk for lifelong care planning is 600 times greater. You should consider long-term care planning to make sure you have someone to care for you when you are unable to do so.

long-term care planning

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Although it can lead to loneliness, loss of independence, and vulnerability, planning is the best way for you to avoid any problems that could arise when you are looking for financial care from the government. These are three call-to-action suggestions to be aware of today.

Learn more about LTC.

You can find sheltered housing, care at your home, retirement villages, and care homes with or without nursing care. There are also continuing care options.

Get evaluated for the care

Contact your local authority's Adult Services department to arrange for a representative to visit you at your home and speak with you.

Learn about your eligibility to receive LTC funding

This assessment will determine your eligibility for care funding. If your total capital, including the property, is less than £23,250, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the local council.