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Tag: lotion for dark spots

Skin Treatments That Makes You Look Younger

The consumption of food basically affects the body and external surface. It plays a major role in how you look and the quality of the skin surface. However, some food items aggravate the production of free radicals that can result in the surface's age.

Marie France Skin and Body Care products can help you to get rid of dark spots and help even skin tone using plant-based ingredients.Some of the major food products and ingredients that cause damage to the body and skin are listed below.

• Foods that are fattening are harmful to the body. They increase sebum production that accumulates within the pores on the surface. Gradually, this leads to the development of certain skin ordeals like acne, pimples, and blemishes. 

• Simple carbohydrate-containing foods are extremely devastative when consumed in large quantities. It causes enough damage to the elastin and protein collagen. These contribute hugely in making the surface texture loose its elasticity and firmness. 

• Consuming white bread and white sugar can be extremely dreadful for the growing fetus within a woman. Its effects are so disastrous that it can damage the inner cells completely.

• Seafood that is lower in mercury levels is great for an excellent skin surface. These are unlike fishes that have higher mercury content which can cause immense damage to the inner system. Fishes like Haddock, Crab, Trout, Wild Salmon and more are great for the skin.


How To Cope With Melasma During Pregnancy

Hyperpigmentation affects approximately 90% of pregnant women. It is characterized by the skin with dark patches or spots covering any part of the body but it is most common on the breasts and inner thighs.

Hyperpigmentation on the face is known as Melasma gravidarum, closma, or 'mask of pregnancy'. It may appear as dark spots on the forehead, upper lip, cheeks, and chin.

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How To Cope With Melasma During Pregnancy

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It is believed that the hormones progesterone and estrogen stimulate melanocytes to produce more melanin – a substance that colors the skin and hair. Melasma affects about 70% of women in pregnancy, but women with dark skin, Asian, Indian, African-Caribbean / African American, may have a higher rate.

The good news is that melasma often goes after women have their babies with fewer than 10% of women having persistent cases.

Prevention and treatment

There are several options available to help you deal with melasma. First, avoid direct sunlight, especially between 10 am and 2pm, and use a high-factor sunscreen – Factor 30 and higher. This will prevent any further blackening of your skin.

There are many topical creams on the market that contain active ingredients known to help in the treatment of hyperpigmentation; Hydroquinone and tretinoin.


Even though tretinoin or Retin A contains a minimal skin absorption rate, which has been enjoyed for retinoid embryos in four printed examples. Other research examined use in the first trimester of pregnancy using 96 and 106 girls. These studies did not find an elevated chance of birth defects or retinoid fetal signs.


Hydroquinone is used as a skin lightener at treating melasma (in nonpregnancy instances ) however, it's estimated that a top 35-40percent is absorbed via the skin. A single study was published between using hydroquinone when pregnant, and it doesn't seem to be connected with any threat to the developing infant, however, because of the absence of additional study and due to the high amount of absorption it's probably better to prevent it.

Sun Protection

Sun cream is used to protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays. Very few active ingredients are absorbed into the skin or into the body. Pregnant women have used sunscreens for decades to help prevent melasma without any adverse effects.