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Tag: melasma treatment

Charlotte Lasers For Melasma – What You Need to Know

Laser therapy is a sought-after procedure for the removal of melasma. However, this is a tertiary treatment behind more traditional topical care because it does not affect the fundamental causes of melasma. Hydroquinone, for example, disturbs melasma genesis through inhibition of its constituent cells.

Melasma Charlotte laser is sought by those patients who exhibit treatment-resistant melasma. If this is the case, there are several different lasers for melasma. These include intense pulsed light (IPL), Q-switched lasers, picosecond or pico lasers, and fractionated resurfacing lasers. Broadly speaking, they are differentiated according to the laser’s medium.

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Intense pulsed light (IPL)

Laser IPL for melasma can target melanin on your skin and eliminate excess pigments. Your dermatologist might choose the IPL for another form of therapy if you melasma deep in the skin. Some people are lucky because they are shallow, while others need to deal with melasma located in the dermis. This form of treatment can be used in this type of case.

Q-switched laser

Laser-Q-Switched for melasma, including a spectrum laser, has a variety of applications related to dermal, including the elimination of birthmarks, tattoos, and other cosmetic misery. When it comes to melasma, they can target melanin responsible for dark spots on the skin.

Picosecond laser

Laser technology has developed to the point that laser pulses at one pulse frequency every trillion seconds are now possible. This picosecond frequency is from where the name is reduced represents the front line of laser technology. These beats are very fast so they create energy in the form of sound rather than heat.