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Tag: Napa tent rental

Choosing A Tent Rental Service In Napa: Some Points

If you're planning an occasion you need to be sure that those who will be helping you are reliable and will perform the tasks you require to accomplish. When you are hiring the best tent rental service in Napa, CA there are a few points to consider.

Search to find Responsive Service

The first step is to take note of how a potential rental business is treating you. Are they responsive to your emails and phone calls promptly? Can they quickly reply to questions and address issues? If not, you should find an organization that can do these things. The way they treat you today will determine what they'll be like in the days leading up to the occasion.

Check for Insurance and Licenses

The rental company you choose to hire should have the proper licenses in place and also have liability insurance. They must be able to supply you with evidence of both. 

Get a Quote in Writing

It's not wise to conclude a deal with a verbal agreement. Any trustworthy tent rental service will offer an unreserved, written estimate that lists your expenses including rental of the tent, extras tax, fees, and other charges. Beware of any business that charges a non-refundable cost or a hefty fee to visit the venue you've selected for your event.

Learn more about the cancellation and change policy

There is a myriad of circumstances that could affect the plans for your party. Maybe your guest list grows or an emergency occurs. Whatever the reason you must be aware of what the cancellation and change policy is. It is important to have the policies in writing so that you can refer to them should the need arises.