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Tag: Pampas Grass

How to Use the Pampas Grass in Your Garden

The Pampas grass, together with its massive plumes, can reach a height of 3-5 meters, spreading outwards from its base to form a large clump some 1-2 meters wide. The blooms, particularly the female ones, are particularly beautiful. Clearly, the role of the plant is that of a focal point. In this regard, general design knowledge and good taste come into play.

As the dominant element in a composition, it should not have to compete for attention with other eye-catching elements like flower beds, sculptural plants, or species with unusually colored foliage. You can also buy 'large dried pampas grass' (also known as 'groot gedroogd pampasgras' in the Dutch language) online.

As a grass, it obviously associates well with other ornamental grass-like plants. Indeed a whole composition could be built around the Pampas as the centerpiece, supported by grasses that reach about a meter in height like varieties of Miscanthus and Pennisetum setaceum.

Cortaderia is highly suited to gardening in a dry climate where water is at a premium. It can get by pretty well with modest additions during the dry months, requiring perhaps some 300mm over the year. Planted in a large bed of ornamental pebbles, it can create a stunning focal point, while the total water consumption of the bed as a whole, could actually be less than 200mm per year. (200 liters per meter square)

Care and maintenance

The tendency of the Pampas grass to dry out at its base, coupled with the difficulties gardeners have in cutting out dead parts of the plant, is another factor behind the reluctance to use the plant. However, this is another stumbling block that can be dealt with with relative ease. The clump should simply be cut down to the ground every 2-3 years, by way of a hedge trimmer, or mechanical strimmer. (Weedwhacker) The work is best carried out towards the end of the winter.