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Tag: plumber Coffs Harbour

Historical Facts About Plumbing

plumbers near me Coffs Harbour

Water plays a crucial for the survival of living organisms. Humans, animals, plants and microorganisms are the perfect examples that require water on a daily basis. Although water reaches to every household due to the installation of plumbing system. However, this concept was actually introduced by the Greeks, Persians, Indians, Romans and the Chinese. Here are a few additional historical facts about plumbing you should be aware of.

  1. You must be aware of the modern plumbing pipes that allows the water to reach our kitchens, bathrooms etc. However, the Egyptians were the first to make the pipes out of baked clay and straw. Water-well system by the use of copper wires by digging the ground up to 300feet was also introduced by the Egyptians.
  2. You must also be aware of how hot and cold water runs. This concept was historically introduced by the Greeks who were also responsible for introducing the concept of showers.
  3. The Romans were the first to understand and introduced how water from mountains reach different parts of towns and cities. This concept has gotten better and smoother due to the modern technology.
  4. Alexander Cumming was the first person who introduced modern toilet which we are aware of. He patented the modern toilet in 1775.
  5. The first flushable toilet was offered as a gift by MR. John Harrington to Queen Elizabeth the first. However, rumors say that she would freak out every time while using due to the gushing sound the toilet would make.

Plumbing problems should be solved by calling a professional plumber. Don’t know how to find one? Head online by typing in “Coffs Harbour plumbers near me”.