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Tag: pre-built water features

Choosing A Pondless Water Feature

Many people don't like the idea of having water in their garden. The fact is standing water can lead to a number of unwanted guests in many places. Mosquitoes and other unwanted insects lay their eggs in stagnant water. Hence, you may want to consider the number of water features available.

How do you choose?

Surprisingly, choosing pondless waterfalls can be a very easy task for some. Depending on the water feature you use, installation and maintenance can be very easy. To get started with choosing a water feature without a pool, consider designing the feature yourself or choosing a pre-made option. Now there are several options between them. 

23 Absolutely Stunning Pondless disappearing waterfall designs

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The main differences can be seen clearly. When it comes to pre-built features, simplicity is best. In some cases, it can be fully assembled upon delivery. Just plug in the power cord, add water, and your waterless feature is already installed. You may have to compromise on a number of fronts. The size may not be exactly what you want or the style may be a little different from what you prefer. This is the reality of the production line.

Design it yourself:

If you choose a water feature without a pool that you design yourself, there is an entirely different factor. You may need to seek professional help to ensure that the correct safety and quality considerations have been taken into account. Additionally, deadlines tend to be very different. It may take some time to design your function. In general, the prices tend to be higher than the cost of pre-built features. On the other hand, you'll probably have some of the functionality at your disposal when you're done.