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Tag: primary care doctors charlotte

Primary Care Doctor or Specialist in Charlotte

Sick patients were asked if they needed to make an appointment with a GP or specialist. General practitioners manage the various health conditions of their patients. They can care for newborns, teens, or even the elderly. However, specialists focus on specific treatment areas or age categories. For example, orthopedists, cardiologists and oncologists, obstetricians, obstetricians, pediatricians, and geriatricians.

Sorted by treatment area

Oncologists are doctors who diagnose and treat cancer in their patients. They mainly focus on this condition, but there are patients of all ages and with various types of malignancies and tumors. Cardiologists are specialists who focus on the cardiovascular system, which includes the blood vessels, heart, and lungs.

You can read more here for direct primary care services.

While general practitioners can also diagnose and treat a variety of diseases and conditions, if your needs are outside their area of expertise, they will likely refer your case to a specialist. If you have an illness that requires immediate treatment, your primary care doctor is your first choice.

Categorized by age group

Pediatricians treat and diagnose children. They take care of children from newborns to teenagers. Children often have the same pediatrician throughout childhood and adolescence. As they get older, they go to family doctors who see adults of all ages.

Older people have certain health problems that are best treated by a geriatric professional. As we age, our muscles, skin, bone organs, and thoughts change in different ways. It is helpful to find an expert with solid knowledge of aging and aging issues.