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Tag: sleep enuresis

Find The Different Types of Bedwetting & Deep Sleep Disorder Problem

Bedwetting & Deep Sleep disorders are the major problem, children are facing nowadays. There are two types of bedwetting: primary and secondary. Primary bedwetting is when a child has never been dry at night. This type of bedwetting is more common and is usually not a cause for concern. 

Secondary bedwetting is when a child who was once dry at night starts wetting the bed again. This type of bedwetting can be a sign of an underlying medical condition and may require treatment.

Most children will eventually outgrow bedwetting on their own. In the meantime, there are treatments available to know more about for managing the problem. These include:

  • Behavioral interventions: One common behavioral intervention for bedwetting is alarms. These alarms can be worn under clothes and will sound when they detect moisture. The goal of using an alarm is to train the brain to wake up when it senses moisture so that the child can go to the bathroom before wetting the bed.
  • Medications: There are several medications that can be used to treat bedwetting, including desmopressin and imipramine. Desmopressin is a hormone that helps reduce urine production, while imipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant that helps to relax the bladder muscles.

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  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat bedwetting. One common surgical procedure for bedwetting is called a urethral bulking agent injection. This procedure involves injecting a substance into the urethra, which helps to bulk up the tissue and make it less likely to collapse. 
  • -Dietary changes: Making some simple dietary changes, such as reducing caffeine intake and avoiding fluids before bedtime, can also help to reduce bedwetting. 

If your child is experiencing bedwetting, talk to your doctor about the best treatment options.