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Tag: sugaring hair removal face

Sugaring Is Perfect For Facials, Eyebrow Shaping And Makeup in Edmonton

Sugar is the perfect method for natural hair removal that is safe for all parts of the body, including the face and eyebrows. Women are often frustrated with their makeup routine due to unwanted hair ranging from fine "peach feathers" to coarse facial hair. 

Makeup, especially in powder form, tends to stick to facial hair, resulting in visual proliferation and slight thickening of hair after makeup application. You can also have a peek at for best eyebrow sugaring in Edmonton.

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For a smooth base, you need to remove all the "peach moss" from the face. Facial hair can be very fine and invisible when you're not wearing makeup, but when you apply foundation, it can clump together and create an uneven look that makes your facial hair more visible.

Many women are not happy with the results of facial waxing which also tends to remove the first layer of living skin cells with the hair, leaving the skin rough and irritated a few days later, and makeup not "sticking" and not smearing can become skin.

Other complaints about waxing include burns – ranging from mild to extreme – which can be caused by the high temperature of the wax being applied to the delicate facial skin. 

Wax masks can cause pimples to form by pulling hair out of the skin against its natural growth, which can lead to severe irritation of the follicles, rapid hair growth, and ingrown hairs as a result of hair breakage rather than hair loss. (NOTE: Wax masks are believed to break at least 30% of hair – even for experienced practitioners).