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What a General Dentist Does

General dentists can provide a broad range of services to patients, based on their 7-year education. To learn more about the patient's problem, they can do X-rays of the mouth and CAT scans. You can search online for the best general dentist in Los Angeles who will provide you with the best dental care.

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They will give you the diagnosis and, if necessary, may perform the treatment. There are some services that are provided by the general dentist.


Although dental cavities are not the most serious, they are one of the most common. The tooth affected will need to be replaced with a material like porcelain, amalgam, or gold.


A general check-up can include dental cleaning. Private dentists often have dental hygienists that can perform the cleaning. They can also spot simple dental problems. This cleaning should be done at least once a year by most dentists.

Root Canal

The procedure involves removing the infected nerve and pulp from a tooth. This is a painful condition that can lead to abscesses or further infection. Sometimes the therapy involves only a thorough cleaning of the pulp followed by filling.


Although permanent tooth extraction is not recommended, it is one of the most common procedures performed by dentists. In the event that nothing is possible to save a tooth that has been damaged or infected, an extraction can be performed under local anesthesia.

A good dentist will provide instructions on how to take care of your teeth, gums, and mouth. A general dentist may refer the patient to a specialist if the problem is more complex.