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What Is An Attorney For Estate Planning And Probate?

Estate planning attorneys are lawyers who specialize in estate planning and probate, which is the process of settling an estate after someone dies. Estate planning attorney Arizona can help you create a will, design a trust, and make other important estate-related decisions. 

They can also help you deal with any legal challenges that may come up during the estate process.

If you are considering estate planning or probate for your family, it is important to consult with an experienced lawyer. estate planning in Chandler AZ can help you create a plan that meets your specific needs and protects your loved ones.

Types of Estate Planning

Estate planning is a process that helps individuals make sure that their assets will be distributed after they die in a way that meets their wishes. There are many different types of estate planning, and each one has its own advantages. 

One type of estate planning is called will writing. A will is a legal document that specifies how your assets will be divided if you die without a valid will. 

Wills can be written before you get married, during the marriage, or after you get divorced. They can also be amended later on. 

If you don't have a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of your state. These laws may not always reflect your wishes. For example, if you leave your entire estate to your children but didn't mention them in your will, they might receive only a fraction of the estate. 

Another type of estate planning is called trust. A trust is a special type of legal arrangement in which someone (the trustee) manages funds for another person (the beneficiary). 

The trustee can be your spouse, children, or other relatives. You can create trust before you get married, during the marriage, or after you get divorced.