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An Overview Of Traditional Signage?

Traditional signage is a form of communication that has been used for centuries. It can be seen in different forms throughout the world, and its meaning is often specific to a culture or region. Some examples of traditional signage include street names, restaurant signs, and symbols associated with a particular religion or culture.

Traditional signage can be helpful when trying to find a location or understand the local culture. For example, street names can help you find your way around a city or town, while restaurant signs can indicate which dishes are available. Symbols associated with a particular religion or culture can also provide insight into the local community. For example, Buddhist temples may display symbols like the Buddha statue or lotus flowers, while Catholic churches may feature crucifixes and other religious icons.

While traditional signage is often helpful in understanding a region or culture. In some cases, simplified versions of traditional signage have been created specifically for tourists and residents who are not familiar with all of the details of the original sign. This type of signage is called tourism signage and typically features images that are familiar to Westerners like flags or maps. 

Overall, traditional signage is a valuable form of communication that can provide insight into a region or culture. While it can be confusing for visitors unfamiliar with the language or customs associated with the area, simplified versions of traditional signage are often available for tourists and residents who are not familiar with all of the details of the original sign.