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Choosing the Right Size of Antler Dog Chews for Puppies

Chewing is an essential part of puppy development, and antler dog chews for puppies are a great way to provide an opportunity to do so safely and healthily. However, it is important to select the right size of antler chew to ensure the safety and comfort of your puppy. 

When choosing antler chews for a puppy, it is important to consider the age of your puppy. Puppies under 6 months of age should only be given antler chews that are smaller than their mouth. This is because puppies of this age are still learning about the world and can easily choke on large antler chews. 

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In addition to age, it is important to consider the weight of your puppy. Smaller puppies should only be given smaller antler chews, while larger puppies can handle larger chews. It is important to select a chew that is appropriate for the size of your puppy, as chews that are too big can cause discomfort and potential injury. 

The type of antler chew you select is also important. It is best to choose a chew that is made from naturally shed antlers, as these are more durable and less likely to splinter. Antler dog chews for puppies can be a great way to provide puppies with an opportunity to chew safely and healthily. However, it is important to select the right size of antler chew for your puppy. The age, weight, and type of antler all matter when it comes to choosing the right size, as well as safety. With the right size and safety considerations in mind, your puppy can enjoy the benefits of antler chews safely and happily.