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Newcastle asbestos

Courtesy – cityofsydney

Asbestos is a hazardous material commonly found in older homes, and it poses a significant health risk if damaged or disturbed. To ensure a safe living environment for you and your loved ones, it is essential to take proactive steps to prevent asbestos exposure and, if necessary, remove any existing materials.

Educate yourself

You need to learn about the different building materials that might contain asbestos, like insulation, flooring tiles, or roofing shingles. You need to understand where asbestos might be present in your home, and this will help identify the potential risks.

Conduct an asbestos inspection.

If you are living in a home that was built in 1980, then there are more chances that asbestos will be present in your locality. It would be best if you connected with experts offering removal of asbestos in Newcastle, and the experts will collect all the samples for laboratory testing and provide a comprehensive report on the extensive asbestos in your property.

If you suspect the presence of asbestos in your home, then you should avoid disturbing it as best as fibers are most dangerous when they become airborne or refrain from drilling, sanding, or demolishing any materials that might contain asbestos.

Proper disposal

Asbestos waste must be handled and disposed of according to local regulations. Your asbestos removal professional should follow appropriate procedures for containment, sealing, and disposal of asbestos materials to prevent any contamination.