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Tips For Choosing The Right Small Keepsake Urn

A small keepsake urn is a type of urn that is used to store small amounts of ashes or other mementos. They are usually made of metal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. 

Choosing the right small keepsake urn for cremation ashes is a very personal decision. The following tips can help you narrow down your options and make an informed decision. 

First, consider the size. Small keepsake urns are available in a range of sizes, from mini urns that hold a few teaspoons of ashes to larger models that can hold up to three cups of ashes. Consider how much of the ashes you would like to keep and look for an urn that can accommodate that amount. 

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Next, consider the material. Small keepsake urns are made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, ceramic, and glass. Each material has its own unique characteristics and will lend a different look to the urn. Consider the look and feel that best reflect your loved one’s life and personality and choose accordingly. 

Finally, consider the options for personalization. Many small keepsake urns can be engraved with a name, dates, or a special message. This is a great way to make the urn even more special and meaningful.