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What Does Ophthalmology Mean In Florida?

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty that deals with eye diseases and disorders. In addition to providing treatment and diagnosis, ophthalmologists also advocate for their patients' best interests by educating them about their eyes and vision.

Ophthalmologists also treat patients who have problems with their eyesight due to other conditions, such as diabetes or thyroid disease. You can also take eye surgeries services with 100% Bladeless Custom LASIK & PRK via Harish Raja, MD S. in Miami, FL 33143.

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What Types Of Eye Problems Do Ophthalmologists Treat?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of the eye. They diagnose and treat a wide range of eye problems, from common issues like eyestrain and dry eyes to more serious issues like macular degeneration and glaucoma. Here are some of the most common types of treatment an ophthalmologist offers:

1.Dry eyes: An ophthalmologist may prescribe over-the-counter medications or prescribe artificial tears to help alleviate dry eye symptoms.

2.Eyestrain: An ophthalmologist may prescribe eyeglasses, special viewing aids, or ergonomic devices to reduce eyestrain.

3.Pterygium: A pterygium is a growth on the back of the eyeball that can obstruct vision. An ophthalmologist may surgically remove it or use treatments such as laser therapy to reduce its size.

4.Macular degeneration: Macular degeneration is a condition that causes the center of the retina (the part of the eye that helps us see details) to deteriorate over time. An ophthalmologist may perform surgery to remove the center of the retina or prescribe medications to slow its progression