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Tag: army tents

A Brief Introduction On Surplus Gas Mask

The US military became the largest user of gas masks just before America's entry into World War One. After that attack in France, a modern combat force was deployed against the Germans without the best equipment to protect them from German gas attacks. There were huge orders for the firefighters to fill small quantities of surplus gas masks to abruptly fight for its fighting men of America and its allies.

Money flowed into the business that developed into large small business ventures. Production of very minute production started on existing models, to ensure their usefulness against known chemical agents of the time, research and development teams moved to work on enhancing the initial layouts.

gas mask

The British manufactured a carbon monoxide respirator that was in use during World War I before the first usage of chemical weapons from the Germans. Researchers had found that enemy shells put off extremely substantial levels of carbon monoxide gas. These amounts have been shown to be high enough to kill soldiers over 100 yards of carbon monoxide from trenches and foxholes.

The effect was comparable to a car exhaust when an auto is abandoned in a garage. Using this layout, the smoke helmet has been accommodated by allied powers and is widely believed to be the first mass gas mask utilized for use against the Germans. The Germans countered with gas masks, which use an air filter drum facing the breathing device which can be easily and can be substituted quickly. 

Gas filters and masks are utilized to guard the body against the damaging effects of chemical and biological agents. This led to many casualties among allied forces as well as the need for protective masks.

Since then gas masks have emerged and protected from all types of known chemical and biological agents. Gas masks utilize various technologies to defend the user. But common components such as face pieces, hoods, eyepieces, and filters are present in almost all masks. Pollutants normally have larger particles than oxygen and can be excluded using a fine mesh. The only drawback is that the air supply is also limited in this procedure. Other procedures use the absorbing properties of some substances like activated charcoal to control dangerous agents. 

Adding A Outdoor Vinyl Tent In the Backyard

An outdoor vinyl tent is a wonderful and versatile piece of equipment. Vinyl tents can be used for many purposes including camping, outdoor recreational activities, temporary accommodation, etc. While searching for a vinyl tent consider functionality and durability. A vinyl tent comes in a variety of sizes and colors. 

You can purchase good quality vinyl tents by clicking at: Vinyl General Purpose Large Tent (GP Large 18′ X 52′).


It's possible to use vinyl tents for utilitarian purposes like storage of equipment or vehicles. With these tents, you can enjoy camping in heavy rain areas. However most consumers utilize these tents for entertainment purposes including parties, cookouts, or you can easily use these to make a romantic weekend. Most are able to move readily from one spot to another.

If you select one with a powder-coated steel frame it'll last very long as the finish is going to be rust. Most vinyl materials are UV resistant and allow air to pass through. 

Vinyl tents are designed with water and UV resistant material which can make it perfect for camping or outdoor activities.  You can even add sidewall extensions to the shelter, including display sidewalls, transparent vinyl windows, or large zipped doors. The ideal outdoor viny tent can be the answer to many of your outside shelter issues. Utilize one or more vinyl tents to change the function and usefulness of your backyard.