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Tag: Best Food Photography

Tips For Food Photography For Food Bloggers

It's all about lighting! My top tip for newbies is to be aware of the brightness of the light and how it impacts the food and then adapt accordingly. Here are some helpful tips to get started.

Photographs should be taken in natural lighting. Do not use lamps or overhead lights, or the built-in flash. Ever!

Explore the different areas to find the ideal lighting sources. Don't feel confined to photography inside your cooking area. Maybe the best light source is for your bed in the early morning or in your living space during the evening.

You can also find the best food and drinks photographer via web search.

Life as a professional food photographer - Canon Europe

Image Source: Google

Try to take photos from a variety of perspectives. Some plates of food are better viewed from above (like pizza) or at the side (burgers) or at 45-degree angles (drinks). Try moving the plate and snapping pictures from various angles, so that you can choose your preferred later.

Reduce the clutter. If that spoon or napkin doesn't enhance the image it will detract from the image. Make sure to focus on what's important however, don't get enough that the viewer cannot tell what the food item is.

Troubleshooting common issues with food photography-

Are you unhappy with the way your food photography is coming out? Check out these solutions.

Your images have blurred. Blurry photos are caused by a camera shake. 

Solutions include: Make sure you hold your camera steady, and use a tripod equipped with a remote control so that the camera remains still during your shooting.

Your photos won't "pop" just like professional photography. Experienced food photographers employ lenses that allow them to reduce their field of view to focus on the subject in the photograph. 

Sometimes, just a few tweaks can make a photograph stand out.