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Tag: Buy hot tub

How to Properly Maintain Your Inflatable Hot Tub

An inflatable hot tub can be a great addition to your backyard or patio. It’s easy to set up, affordable, and provides a relaxing and therapeutic experience. However, like any other household appliance, it needs proper maintenance to function efficiently. Without proper care, your inflatable hot tub can become a breeding ground for bacteria and debris, leading to unpleasant odors, cloudy water, and even skin infections. To shop for best inflatable hot tub visit

1. Clean Your Hot Tub Regularly

The first step in maintaining your inflatable hot tub is to clean it regularly. This means draining the water and wiping down the interior with a soft cloth or sponge. 

2. Monitor the Water Chemistry

The water chemistry of your hot tub is crucial to its function and your health. You should test the water regularly to ensure that the pH and chlorine levels are within the recommended range. 

3. Cover Your Hot Tub When Not in Use

When your hot tub is not in use, it's important to cover it to prevent debris, insects, and animals from getting inside. A cover can also help to retain the heat and reduce the amount of chemicals needed to maintain the water chemistry. 

4. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals

While it's important to maintain the proper water chemistry, you should avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the hot tub or cause skin irritation. Avoid using bleach, household cleaners, or other abrasive chemicals. 

5. Drain and Refill Your Hot Tub Regularly

Even with proper maintenance, your hot tub will accumulate minerals, bacteria, and other contaminants over time. It's recommended that you drain and refill your hot tub every three to four months to keep the water fresh and clean. 


Maintaining your inflatable hot tub does not have to be a challenging task. With regular cleaning, monitoring the water chemistry, covering it when not in use, avoiding harsh chemicals, and draining and refilling the water regularly, you can ensure that your hot tub remains clean, safe, and enjoyable for years to come.