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Tag: dog grooming chapel hill

Dog Grooming : How To Brush And Bath Your Dog

Dog grooming is important for a healthy dog and to keep him looking and smelling good too. All dogs have an inclination to roll in something smelly if given the chance.

Dog hair is, to some extent, self-cleaning – but not to the point that your dog will never need a bath! There will be times when you need to do some dog grooming and also bath your dog – so you should have got your puppy used to the process as early as possible.

If you are looking for the dog groomer in Chapel Hill, then you can browse the web.


If you have a long-haired breed you will need to regularly groom your dog – less so for the short or smooth coated breeds. Let’s look at the different types of dog grooming you may have to do, according to breed, and then look at how to go about bathing your dog.

Different breeds – different coats

Smooth coated dogs such as Boxers and Whippets are the easiest to look after when it comes to dog grooming. Use a chamois, hound glove or a soft bristle brush.

Those that have a denser coat with an undercoat – such as Labradors – need more grooming as they moult a lot more – as anyone with a Lab will tell you! Use a bristle brush for them, and finish off with a comb paying particular attention to the tail and neck where the hair is thickest.

Treat wiry coated dogs in the same way, but with these you will also need to have the longer hair ‘stripped’ once a month using a stripping comb. You will also need to take these breeds – Wire-haired Dachshunds and Fox Terriers for example – to a professional groomer about 3 or 4 times a year to have the coat reduced.