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Tag: IV Sedation Dentistry

Oral Sedation Dentistry: What You Need To Know

Oral sedation dentistry is an option for those who cannot tolerate dental procedures. Opiates and benzodiazepines are the two most commonly prescribed medications for oral sedation. Patients typically feel calm, relaxed, and free of pain during the procedure. 

If you've ever been to the dentist, you've probably been through some form of oral sedation. Oral sedation dentistry is a way to make dental procedures more comfortable for patients by using medication to help them relax. You can also click this link right now to get in touch with the team of experts to monitor your procedure closely.

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There are different levels of oral sedation, and your dentist will determine which is right for you based on the procedure being performed and your level of anxiety. The most common type of oral sedation is nitrous oxide or laughing gas. This is inhaled through a mask during the procedure and helps you to feel relaxed and pain-free.

Oral sedation dentistry can also be used for more involved procedures, such as wisdom tooth removal or dental implants. In these cases, you may be given a pill to help you relax before the procedure. The pill will usually make you drowsy, but you will still be able to respond to questions and follow instructions from your dentist.

Oral sedation dentistry is safe and effective, and it can help make dental procedures a lot less stressful for patients. If you have any concerns about oral sedation, be sure to discuss them with your dentist before your procedure.