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Tag: microblading needles

Why Microblading Needles Is Good For You

Fashion industry standards are constantly rising and technological advances push it to a higher level. Microblading of the eyebrows is one example of modern technology's miracles that make the feathery tattoo appear more real.

Many people want perfectly shaped eyebrows. However, they can be difficult to achieve. Only a few have the ability to create a beautiful natural pair of eyebrows. Others may have sparse or wavy hair that is either not matched or over-plucked by their stylists. 

Semi-permanent tattoos are used for giving perfect shape to eyebrow. Your preferences for eyebrow shape will be discussed with the tattoo artist. She will then map the brow shape based on your facial symmetry.

The disposable microblading needles strokes can cause your brow to turn pinkish or swollen for two or three days. It is important that you heal within the first week.Avoid hot showers and intense exercises at the gym, as sweat can alter the pigment color.

microblading needles

To prevent tattoo fade, avoid outdoor events. Always apply sunscreen.Avoid using exfoliants or acid-based products for your skin.To protect your eyebrows from harsh chemicals, apply Vaseline or aquaphor to them.

Consider your health before you decide to get microblading. It is important to choose the right microblade needles for your skin.