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Tag: misleading CRM data

Reasons Why Your CRM Data Is Misleading

Your CRM data is getting worse for your business. This is due to a lack of human interaction. There are many levers however that you can pull to make sure your CRM data isn't misleading you – one of these can be asking the right questions!

How CRM Data is Collected and Organized

CRM software is designed to capture and organize customer data in a way that enables sales teams to better understand and connect with their customers. However, many organizations collect and store CRM data in ways that make it difficult or impossible to use effectively. Therefore it is essential to properly maintain the procedure, you can check out this site which will help you guide in organizing your CRM data.

Image Source: Google

The following are  five common mistakes made when collecting and organizing CRM data:

1. Collecting unnecessary information. 

2. Focusing on past rather than future behavior.

3. Ignoring customer feedback.

4. Not using automated systems to capture data. 

5. Ignoring email addresses. 

Analysis of a Company Using CRM Data

  • First, we need to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to our analysis. 
  • Next, we will use the KPIs to measure the effectiveness of the company's marketing efforts. 
  • Finally, we will make recommendations for improvement based on our findings.


By understanding how your CRM data can mislead you, you can improve its accuracy and use it more effectively in decision-making.